· By Steve Abrams
MEET MIRIAM McCREA: Natural Food Guru, Personal Trainer & East Ender-4-Life
Miriam is a woman with a lot on the go. She describes herself as 16-year-old boy energy (fart jokes, anyone?) trapped in a 50-year-old woman’s body. She is a self-proclaimed health nut who co-owns a successful brokerage and gets to work with some of the best natural products in the country. Miriam is also a cancer survivor and a personal trainer specializing in women 45+. She can usually be found between Broadview & Greenwood, Danforth & Queen because eastender-4-life types don’t like to cross the bridge.
Are you sober, a mindful drinker or sober curious?
I have been sober since January 8th, 2017. Not that I’m keeping track.
What’s your favourite thing about being sober?
There’s a lot to love about being sober. I get SO MUCH STUFF DONE NOW (sorry, caps lock - because I’m excited about how productive I am). I wake up early naturally because my body feels rested. Like many now-sober people, I didn’t just choose this way of life out of nowhere. It became a necessity as I simply was drinking way too much and had been for many years. While it was a challenge at first, I really started noticing health benefits after the first, second, then third month: better sleep, brighter skin, more energy, and less puffiness.
Favourite colour?
If you see me out in the world, I’m usually wearing black or mostly black, but the truth is that I love colours: Teal, fuchsia, mustard, and orange - rich, bright jewel tones.
Favourite food?
Hard pressed to narrow it down to one thing because I LOVE FOOD, but I would say brisket phô with a whole Thai chilli on the side.
Favourite way to unwind?
Puttering is my way to unwind and dejunk my brain. Cooking, reading, music (as long as it’s loud and somewhat offensive), designing exercise programs for my clients and hanging out with my partner & 21-year-old kiddo.
Favourite Harmon’s Product?
Half-Day Hazy IPA. The thing I missed most about not drinking was not having IPA, especially in the summer at the cottage.
You can find Miriam here miriammccreapersonaltraining.com or at her Natural & Organic brand brokerage firm here msquaredbrands.com.
header photo by Jessica Smith - jbsmithblog.com
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Really?Allison Fruet on