By Steve Abrams

“But, why? Why don’t you drink??” - Some Snappy Responses to Those Nosey Parkers.

Sober Curious?  

Trying to cut back?

Are you an alcoholic?

The reason why you aren’t drinking is nobody’s business, but ultimately someone will feel compelled ask. Divulging that personal intel is entirely up to you, but if you’d rather not, we’ve got some suggestions to get past the nosey parker in your life: 

  • “I’m driving.” It's the easiest go-to (assuming you actually drove!). No one wants to be responsible for pushing alcohol on the designated driver. 
  • “I have to get up early.” Because we all have responsibilities. Maybe you’ve got kids or a demanding job. No one likes getting up with a hangover, so most people will take that response at face value. 
  • “I’m making an effort to be healthier.” Undoubtably, many of us share this goal, and will accept it without delving any further. 
  • “I don’t feel like it.” A little blunt perhaps, but a simple way to put the question to rest. Should shut them down in most scenarios. 
  • “I turn into a raging a**hole.” You’ll probably cause an uncomfortable silence and maybe get a nervous laugh from Mr. Twenty Questions. 
  • “I’m taking the Dry January Challenge!”  Have you joined this worldwide month-long phenomenon, when thousands give up booze to reset and reassess their goals? Good for you!  If you’re participating in #DryJanuary don’t forget Harmon’s “Buy 3, get 1” promotion.  Simply use Promo Code DRYJAN at our e-store checkout to make your fourth six-pack FREE all month!  Valid for all five flavours (including seasonals while supplies last). 

Hey, nosey parkers! Be aware that someone's reason for abstaining is none of your beeswax. Ask, and you might find yourself backed into a corner listening to a total stranger's sordid life story, or you could make an acquaintance feel unnecessarily uncomfortable. Either way, please accept their choice without the interrogation.

p.s. Happy New Year!


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